FREE Black & Brown Belt Course & Dan Grading- Scotland 16/03/2025
Location: Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre Woodhead Park, Lenzie and Kirkintilloch South, United Kingdom
Times: 10:30 to 16:00
Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre Woodhead Park, Kirkintilloch, Glasgow G66 3DD, UKINSTRUCTORS : Sensei Frank Brennan (8th Dan)TIMES :
10.30 – 12.00 Training for Brown Belts
12.00 – 1.30 Training for Black Belts
2.30 – Grading for 1st and 2nd Dan
COST : FREE – Please see below for Grading Fees
THE SYSTEM FOR REGISTERING FOR DAN GRADINGS – please see belowREGISTER – Grading or Training only
To register to grade, please go to the KUGB app which can be downloaded from the App Store (Apple users) and the Play Store (Android users). On the App you can access and update your KUGB licence profile, update your licence, book into events and much more.
Please view the photos below if you need further help
You should have already received an email regarding the app, but if you have any problems please contact
Please complete and remember to attach a passport-sized photo to your form and bring the form with you to the grading.
Forms and licence book must be presented at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the grading.
Please note : Your Instructor MUST complete the Permission box on your grading form.
1st Dan – £80,
2nd Dan – £90
Re-take (Kata or Kumite only): 1st & 2nd Dan – £60,
The above fees include a KUGB Dan-grade certificate and registration for successful candidates. Certificates will be sent by post.
Those who fail a Dan-grading must wait a minimum of three months before a re-take, except when the Examiner specifically states otherwise. In such cases, the required period will be noted on the candidates grading form, and this must be retained by the candidate and produced at the re-take.
All those training and grading must bring their current KUGB licence. Gumshields and KUGB-approved white hand-mitts are compulsory for Jiyu Kumite.
During Jiyu Ippon Kumite and Jiyu Kumite it is compulsory for females aged 12 years and over to wear a chest guard . Females under 12 may wear a chest guard at the discretion of their parent/guardian.
During Jiyu Ippon Kumite and Jiyu Kumite it is compulsory for males aged 12 years and over to wear a groin guard. Males under 12 may wear a groin guard at the discretion of their parent/guardian.
This course is not just for people taking their dan grade. Karateka of 3rd Kyu and above should be attending.
Organiser: admin@kugb.orgadmin@kugb.orgCreated by: Donna Roberts